The COVID-19 International Research Team is excited to announce collaboration with RealNetworks in launching MaskCheck, which will help to increase compliance with COVID-19 safety regulations world-wide.
What is MaskCheck?
MaskCheck™ powered by SAFR® from RealNetworks® is a free face mask compliance app, service and data platform, which is ad free, available for iOS and Android devices.
- Encourages proper wearing of face masks in public spaces
- Provides a safer environment for staff and customers
- Helps gather real-time, accurate behavioral face mask compliance data
- Provides statistics to policy makers and public health departments to make data-informed decisions to re-open safely
- No facial recognition information is recorded
The Contents of MaskCheck
An app for iOS and Android devices
The free, easy to install app uses artificial intelligence to assess face mask compliance, encourages proper usage, and reports aggregated and non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) based mask compliance data. It detects faces as people walk past the tablet’s camera, and determines if they are wearing a mask (properly) or not. It provides visual feedback to encourage compliance. No interaction is required, and no images or PII are collected or saved.
A public health data repository service
The back-end infrastructure aggregates anonymous data submitted by a growing network of MaskCheck enabled devices and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems. The data includes compliance based on geographic location, classification of location, and non PII-based demographic information.
A visualization map and data platform
The frequently updated mask compliance data feed can be used by any and all concerned parties under a free creative commons license, accessed via APIs by anyone in the world. This dynamic dataset is also visually represented via live dashboards in our MaskCheck Map at: Its content will continue to grow in tandem with MaskCheck deployment
Get MaskCheck Now!!
MaskCheck™ is immediately available as a free App for Apple and Android devices in the Apple iOS App and Google Play stores. Download it now!
See our Setup Guide for recommended tablet devices
Details for Setting Up MaskCheck app
MaskCheck determines if a person is wearing a mask when they enter a business or other public space.
- Download the free MaskCheck app
- Create a free MaskCheck account
- Choose audio and visual responses, and name the device location
- Set up your MaskCheck-enabled device* at your desired location and begin screening.
- Make sure to position your device at any location where people will pass one at a time
When a person steps in front of the screen, MaskCheck determines if they are wearing an appropriate protective face covering, and a visual — and optional audio — response will be triggered:
“Thanks for wearing a mask, come on in!”
“Please put on a face mask, we require masks to enter.”
*Detailed instructions can be found in the Setup Guide.