COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool (CEAT): Exposure quantification based on ventilation, infection prevalence, group characteristics, and behavior

A newly published paper is now available from COV-IRT members in Science Advances that is on our COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool (CEAT). This paper has all the details on the model used, demonstration that CEAT outperforms the current models being used, and real-time use case example!!

We have developed a user friendly tool based on aerosol models incorporating the following factors: 1) emission rate of virus, 2) viral aerosol degradation and removal, 3) duration of activity/exposure, 4) inhalation rates, 5) ventilation rates (indoors/outdoors), 6) volume of indoor space, 7) filtration, 8) mask use and effectiveness, 9) distance between people, 10) group size, 11) current infection rates by variant, 12) prevalence of infection and immunity in the community, 13) vaccination rates of the community, and 14) implementation of COVID-19 testing procedures

You can download the interactive tool here.

Click here to read the paper: